Sep 01
Problem: Shared Context in AI Assistants

In the realm of AI assistants, managing sessions distributed among users is common. However, scenarios arise where you require a shared context—a shared conversation history, perhaps—to enhance user interactions. The challenge lies in finding a solution to unify these fragmented sessions.

Solution: CDB Service to the Rescue

Enter the Context Storage (CDB) service, a versatile solution that empowers you to create a single, shareable context for your conversations. With CDB, seamlessly attaching and detaching context from conversations becomes a breeze, requiring no additional manipulations.

Automated Conversation History

CDB automatically records the conversation history, facilitating seamless navigation across it. This ensures that responses remain relevant for all participants, enhancing the overall user experience.

Control and Flexibility

Create as many CDB service instances as necessary to meet your requirements and accommodate varying amounts of history records. Enjoy full control over the search process across the storage. For instance, you can choose to search only within recent and highly-available messages or delve deeper into the conversation's early beginnings.

Stop Sharing, Start Detaching

Should the need arise to cease sharing context, simply detach CDB from your request. Once detached, users will no longer receive answers from the conversation history.

In conclusion, the CDB service is your key to achieving shared context in your AI assistant. Enhance collaboration, streamline interactions, and provide a cohesive user experience with the power of CDB. Whether you're sharing conversation histories or seeking flexibility in history searches, CDB offers the control and simplicity you need.